Unleashing the Power of Distributed Energy
Enhancing Reliability and Opportunities with ei360 Platform Visualization
Regulatory Markets:
The ei360 platform can help address regulatory market requirements by providing a comprehensive solution that enables customers to gain tighter control of assets and monetize their energy resources in a turnkey, scalable way. The platform's advanced analytics, transactive energy, and full network orchestration of all energy intelligence enable organizations to comply with regulatory and market requirements while also capitalizing on the benefits of distributed resources.
Addressing Operational Risk:
By orchestrating assets and connecting the physical environment as a convergent architecture, the ei360 platform empowers grid operators to connect, see, control, and optimize DERs from both a technical and an economic standpoint.
Improving System Reliability:
The ei360 platform enables the benefits from distributed energy resources through visualization that enhances system reliability by providing better control, improved decision-making, and the ability to capture and create opportunities within the energy ecosystem.
Enabling a Cleaner Grid:
A DERM empowered by the ei360 platform provides a pathway for a cleaner grid by effectively integrating and managing distributed energy resources (DERs) such as solar, wind, and energy storage. This integration allows for the efficient use of renewable energy, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and improved grid stability.
What is a DERM?
A VPP is a sophisticated network of smaller energy-producing or storing devices that collectively serve the electricity grid. It operates by utilizing the ei360 platform to unify different storage systems, coordinating their collective energy for optimal distribution to the grid during times of peak demand.
Who can participate in a DERM?
Through the ei360 platform, participants in a DERM business model can include utilities, grid operators, energy service providers, distributed energy resource (DER) owners, and aggregators. These entities are involved in the integration, management, and optimization of DERs within the energy system. Additionally, regulatory bodies, technology vendors, and other stakeholders in the energy industry may also participate in the development and implementation of DERM solutions.
Why are DERMs important?
The Distributed Energy Resources Management System (DERMS) enabled through the ei360 platform is important as it enables grid operators to connect, see, control, and optimize DERs from a technical and an economic standpoint, while helping utilities provide clean, reliable, and affordable energy to their customers.
What is the goal of a DERM?
The DERM empowered by the ei360 platform is designed to manage the technical, operational, and economic challenges of interconnected DERs, providing situational awareness to account for and mitigate DER impacts, and offering key economic value for distribution and bulk power systems as well as for retail customers.
How can the technical units be connected in a DERM?
By orchestrating assets and connecting the physical environment as a convergent architecture, the enx ei360 platform enables the seamless integration and control of technical units within a DERM, thus optimizing the use of DERs and contributing to the efficient and reliable operation of the connected energy resources.